Monday 31 March 2014

अप्नी भाषा में पढ़ने के लिए दैने मार्जिन टोप देखिय ओर ट्रान्स्लेट कीजिए -------->
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Friday 28 March 2014

Looking for an opportunity to apply as an ANO for SD

Respected Sir,
              I am currently serving as an Associate NCC Officer JD in 2(Andhra) Air Sqn (Tech) NCC. Looking for an opportunity to apply as an ANO for SD. I request you to please send me info regarding any vacancy as such against which I could apply. Thank you.

T/O Anupreeth Choudhry |

Note: This email was sent via the Contact Form gadget on

Friday 14 March 2014

Latest Training Directives by DG NCC

Dear ANOs,
               You know that the NCC Syllabus and Training methods have changed from 2013-14 onwards. DG NCC had published the Training Directives in June 2013. You can download a copy of it from the following link. If you have similar useful materials to share to other ANOs please send it to

(4.4 MB)

Thursday 13 March 2014

Enhancement of Allowances to ANOs and Cadets

Dear ANOs,
                   The allowances to ANOs and Cadets have been enhanced in Delhi. You can download it from the following link. Thanks to T/O Vijaya Gowda for sending the order to the blog.

Click here to download .jpg